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The laboratories at the Faculty of Safety Engineering are mainly used for the realization of accredited degree programmes and lifelong learning programmes and, in connection with this, for scientific, research, development and innovation, or other creative activities. In connection with the performance of their basic task, they may also be used for related complementary activities.

In terms of organization, the operation and development of laboratories are subordinate to the Vice-Dean for Science and Research.

The The Laboratory and Computer Service provides laboratory management.


For each laboratory, the Dean of the Faculty appoints its guarantor from among the academic or research staff of the Faculty of Safety Engineering with the appropriate specialization.

In the laboratories, the guarantors perform activities within the framework of professional experiments, research, technical development and innovation, expert analyses and assessments, specialized diagnostics, trial tests, and teaching in a specific area.

The laboratory guarantor follows the instructions of the Vice-Dean for Science and Research.

Contacts to individual guarantors are listed in the laboratory, see the instrument card.

The Laboratory and Computer Service

The special-purpose workplace the Laboratory and Computer Service (LCS) ensures the management of all laboratories at the Faculty.

For each laboratory room, the head of the LCS shall appoint a laboratory administrator and, as appropriate, his/her deputy.




Ing. Martin Florčinský

LC 211, LC 309, LC 310, LC 312

59 732 2832/731 664 256

Antonín Pobuta

LC 113, LC 114, LC 115, LC 116, LC 212

59 732 2879/731 664 244

Ing. Dalibor Balner, Ph.D.

LF 201-202, LF 203-204, LF 210, LF 302, LF 303,            LF 305, LF 306

59 732 2840

Alois Lokaj

LF 101, LF 102, LF 103, LF 104, LF 106, LF 120

59 732 2876/731 664 252

Alexander Mikóczy

LD 104A, LD 104B, LD 105, LD 106

59 732 2878/731 664 255

Gabriela Žilová

laboratories in the building: LD, LC a LF

59 732 2877/731 664 257

The representation of the administrators is marked with the same colour.

Laboratories can be used on working days: from 6.00 am to 8.00 pm.


  1. scheduled teaching
  2. another teaching (e.g. solving students’ final theses, Student Scientific and Professional Activities...)
  3. research, development, innovation, and other creative activities with the exception of free research
  4. free research
  5. complementary activities


In order to reduce collisions in the use of laboratories by different staff members working with the same priority, it is recommended to reserve the laboratory with the LCS in advance. If there is a conflict in the requirements for the use of the laboratory, which cannot be resolved within the LCS, the Vice-Dean for Science and Research will decide.

In justified cases, the Vice-Dean for Science and Research may grant an exception to the above priorities.

In justified cases, the Dean of the Faculty may exceptionally allow a limited period of work in the laboratory outside the specified operating hours of laboratories. The permit may stipulate specific requirements in terms of health and safety, fire protection and property protection. If the employee works alone, the Dean determines the conditions of supervision of the employee (e.g. telephone report at the gatehouse, etc.).


The position of laboratories, their operation and financing of their operation and development is detailed in document No. FBI_SME_13_001 - Laboratories and computer classrooms of the Faculty of Safety Engineering.

The establishment of laboratories and the appointment of laboratory guarantors at the Faculty of Safety Engineering is described in document No. FBI_OST_13_001.

The handling of hazardous chemicals and compounds is described in document No. FBI_SME_17_001.

Metrological Rules document No. FBI_PKP_06_001 and Process P6 METROLOGY document No. FBI_PPR_12_003.